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Someone Created an Updated Trailer for David Lynch’s Dune


Someone Created an Updated Trailer for David Lynch’s Dune

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Someone Created an Updated Trailer for David Lynch’s Dune


Published on September 11, 2020

Image: Matt Skuta
Image: Matt Skuta

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune is just the latest adaptation of Frank Herbert’s classic novel—David Lynch’s version came out in 1984, and another adaptation debuted on the SCI FI Channel in 2000.

The first trailer for Villeneuve’s version dropped earlier this week, and it’s a distinctive, 3-minute long affair, with a reworked version of Pink Floyd’s song “Eclipse” playing over it. As the internet is wont to do, someone went and worked up a new trailer for Lynch’s film.

Given that the two films come from the same original work, there’s plenty of scenes that they share: Paul in the desert, the Harkonnen attack against the Atreides family, and of course, the giant sandworms. YouTuber Matt Skuta, who’s done several side-by-side trailer comparisons, created a new video that matches up the footage of both films together, in the style of the 2020 trailer.

Skuta isn’t the only one with this idea, either. Another YouTube channel, Burns Reviews, posted its own version, without the original next to it:

For those of you who weren’t a huge fan of Pink Floyd, YouTube channel wildwookie05 went and mashed it up with the music from the original 1984 film, which also works rather nicely:

Undoubtedly, there’ll be more to come in the near future.

Update, September 18th: Skuta went and mashed up all three projects together into one trailer:

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